Sunday, April 27, 2014

Chapter 11- Three-Dimensional Geomentry

Lesson 11.1- Hands On- Three-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Identify and describe three-dimensional shapes according to defining attributes.
Essential Question: How can you identify and describe three-dimensional shapes?
  • cone
  • cube
  • curved surface
  • cylinder
  • flat surface
  • rectangular prism
  • sphere
Homework Video:

Lesson 11.2- Hands On-Combine Three-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Compose a new shape by combining three-dimensional shapes.
Essential Question: How can you combine three-dimensional shapes to make new shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 11.3- Hands On- Make New Three-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Use composite three-dimensional shapes to build new shapes.
Essential Question: How can you use a combined shape to build new shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 11.4-Problem Solving- Take Apart Three-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Identify three-dimensional shapes used to build a composite shape using the strategy act it out.
Essential Question: How can acting it out help you take apart combined shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 11.5-Hands On- Two-Dimensional Shapes on Three-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Identify two-dimensional shapes on three-dimensional shapes.
Essential Question: What two-dimensional shapes do you see on the flat surfaces of three-dimensional shapes?
Homework Video:

Chapter 11 Review

Homework Video:

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Chapter 12- Two Dimensional Geometry

Lesson 12.1- Sort Two-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Use defining attributes to sort shapes.
Essential Question: How can you use attributes to sort two-dimensional shapes?
  • circles
  • rectangles
  • sides
  • square
  • triangles
  • vertices
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.2- Hands On- Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Describe attributes of two-dimensional shapes
Essential Question: What attributes can you use to describe two-dimensional shapes?
  • hexagon
  • trapezoid
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.3-Hands On- Combine Two-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Use objects to compose new two-dimensional shapes.
Essential Question: How can you put two dimensional shapes together to make new two-dimensional shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.4-Combine More Shapes

Objective: Compose a new shape by combining two-dimensional shapes.
Essential Question: How can you combine two-dimensional shapes to make new shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.5-Problem Solving- Make New Two-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Make new shapes from composite two-dimensional shapes using the strategy act it out.
Essential Question: How can acting it out help you make new shapes from combined shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.6-Hands On- Find Shapes in Shapes

Objective: Decompose combined shapes into shapes.
Essential Question:  How can you find shapes in other shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.7- Take Apart Two-Dimensional Shapes

Objective: Decompose two-dimensional shapes into parts.
Essential Question:  How can you take apart two-dimensional shapes?
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.8- Equal or Unequal Parts

Objective: Identify equal and unequal parts (or shapes) in two-dimensional shapes.
Essential Question: How can you identify equal and unequal parts in two-dimensional shapes?
  • equal parts
  • equal shares
  • unequal parts
  • unequal shares
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.9- Halves

Objective: Partition circles and rectangles into two equal shares.
Essential Question: How can a shape be separated into two equal shares?
  • half of
  • halves
Homework Video:

Lesson 12.10- Fourths

Objective: Partition circles and rectangles into four equal shares.
Essential Question: How can a shape be separated into four equal shares?
  • fourth of
  • fourths
  • quarter of
  • quarters
Homework Video:

 Chapter 12 Review

Homework Video:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 10- Represent Data

Lesson 10.1- Read Picture Graphs

Essential Question: What do the pictures in a picture graph show?
Objective: Analyze and compare data shown in a picture graph where each symbol represents one.
  • picture graph
Homework Video:

Lesson 10.2- Hands On- Make Picture Graphs

Essential Question: How do you make a picture graph to answer a question?
Objective: Make a picture graph where each symbol represents one and interpret the information.
Homework Video:

Lesson 10.3- Read Bar Graphs

Essential Question: How can you read a bar graph to find the number that a bar shows?
Objective: Analyze and compare data shown in a bar graph.
  • bar graph
Homework Video:

Lesson 10.4- Hands On- Make Bar Graphs

Essential Question: How does a bar graph help you compare information?
Objective: Make a bar graph and interpret the information.
Homework Video:

Lesson 10.5- Read Tally Charts

Essential Question: How do you count the tallies on a tally chart?
Objective: Analyze and compare data shown in a tally chart.
  • tally chart
  • tally mark
Homework Video:

Lesson 10.6- Hands On- Make Tally Charts

Essential Question: Why is a tally chart a good way to show information that you have collected?
Objective: Make a tally chart and interpret the information.
Homework Video:

Lesson 10.7- Problem Solving- Represent Data

Essential Question: How can showing information in a graph help you solve problems?
Objective: Solve problem situations using the strategy make a graph.
Homework Video:

Chapter 10 Review

Homework Video:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chapter 9- Measurement

Lesson 9.1- Hands On- Order Length

Essential Question: How do you order objects by length?
Objective: Order objects by length
  • longest
  • shortest
Homework Video:

Lesson9.2- Indirect Measurement

Essential Question: How can you compare lengths of three objects to put them in order?
Objective: Use the Transitivity Principle to measure indirectly.
Homework Video:

Lesson9.3- Hands On- Use Nonstandard Units to Measure Length

Essential Question: How do you measure length using nonstandard units?
Objective: Measure length using nonstandard units.
Homework Video:

Lesson 9.4-Hands On- Make a Nonstandard Measuring Tool

Essential Question: How do you use a nonstandard measuring tool to measure length?
Objective: Make a nonstandard measuring tool to measure length
Homework Video:

Lesson 9.5- Problem Solving- Measure and Compare

Essential Question: How can acting it out help you solve measurement problems?
Objective:Solve measurement problems using the strategy act it out.
Homework Video:

Lesson 9.6- Time to the Hour

Essential Question: How do you tell time to the hour on a clock that has only an hour hand?
Objective: Write times to the hour shown on analog clocks.
  • hour hand
Homework Video:

Lesson 9.7- Time to the Half Hour

Essential Question: How do you tell time to the half hour on a clock that has only an hour hand?
Objective: Write times to the half hour shown on analog clocks.
  • hour
  • half hour
Homework Video:

Lesson 9.8- Tell Time to the Hour and Half Hour

Essential Question: How are the minute hand and hour hand different for time to the hour and time to the half hour?
Objective: Tell times to the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks.
  • minutes
  • minute hand
Homework Video:

Lesson 9.9- Practice Time to the Hour and Half Hour

Essential Question: How do you know whether to draw and write time to the hour or half hour?
Objective: Use the hour hand to draw and write times on analog and digital clocks
Homework Video:

Chapter 9 Review

Homework Video:

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter 8- Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction

Lesson 8.1- Add and Subtract within 20
  • Objective-Add and Subtract within 20.
  • Question- What strategies can you use to add and subtract?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.2-Hands On- Add Tens
  • Objective- Draw a model to add tens.
  • Question- How can you add tens?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.3-Hands on- Subtract Tens
  • Objective- Draw a model to subtract tens.
  • Question- How can you subtract tens?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.4-Use a Hundred Chart to Add
  • Objective-Use a hundred chart to find sums.
  • Question-How can you use a hundred chart to count on by ones and tens?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.5-Hands on- Use Models to Add
  • Objective- Use concrete models to add ones or tens to a two-digit number.
  • Question-How can models help you add ones or tens to a two-digit number?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.6-Hands on- Make Ten to Add
  • Objective-Make a ten to add a two-digit number and a one-digit number.
  • Question-How can making a ten help you add a two-digit number and a one-digit number?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.7-Hands on- Use Place Value to Add
  • Objective- Use tens and ones to add two-digit numbers.
  • Question-How can you model tens and ones to help you add two-digit numbers?
  • Homework Video-
Lesson 8.8- Problem Solving- Addition Word Problems
  • Objective-Solve and explain two-digit addition word problems using the strategy draw a picture.
  • Question- How can drawing a picture help you explain how to solve an addition problem?
  • Homework Video-

Lesson 8.9- Practice Addition and Subtraction
  • Objective-Add and subtract within 100, including continued practice with facts within 20.
  • Question- What different ways can you use to add and subtract?
  • Homework Video-
 Chapter 8 Review
  • Homework Video-

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Chapter 7- Compare Numbers

Lesson 7.1- Hands on- Algebra: Greater Than
  • Question? How can you compare two numbers to find which is greater?
  • Objective: Model and compare two-digit numbers to determine which is greater.
  • Vocabulary words:
    • is greater than >
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 7.2- Hands on- Algebra: Less Than
  • Question? How can you compare two numbers to find which is less?
  • Objective: Model and compare two-digit numbers to determine which is less.
  • Vocabulary words:
    • is less than <
  • Homework Video: 

Lesson 7.3- Hands on- Algebra: Use Symbols to Compare
  • Question? How can you use symbols to show how numbers compare?
  • Objective: Use symbols for is less than "<", is greater than ">", and is equal to "=" to compare numbers.
  • Homework Video: 
Lesson 7.4- Problem Solving- Compare Numbers
  • Question? How can making a model help you compare numbers?
  • Objective: Solve problems using the strategy make a model.
  • Homework Video: 
Lesson 7.5- Hands on- 10 Less, 10 More
  • Question? How can you identify numbers that are 10 less or 10 more than a number?
  • Objective: Identify numbers that are 10 less or 10 more than a given number.
  • Homework Video: 
Chapter 7 Review
  • Homework Video:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Chapter 6- Count and Model Numbers

Click on the link to download a 120 Counting Chart

Lesson 6.1- Count by Ones to 120
  • Question? How can knowing a counting pattern help you count to 120?
  • Objective: Count by ones to extend a counting sequence up to 120.
  • Homework Video: 
Lesson 6.2- Count by Tens to 120
  • Question? How do numbers change as you count by tens to 120?
  • Objective: Count by tens from any number to extend a counting sequence up to 120.
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 6.3- Understand ten and ones
  • Question? How can you use different ways to write a number as tens and ones?
  • Objective: Use models and write to represent equivalent forms of tens and ones.
  • Vocabulary words:
    • digit
    • ones
    • ten
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 6.4- Hands on- Make Ten and Ones
  • Question? How can you show a number as ten and ones?
  • Objective: Use objects, pictures, and numbers to represent a ten and some ones.
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 6.5- Hands on- Tens
  • Question? How can you model and name groups of ten?
  • Objective: Use objects, pictures, and numbers to represent tens.
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 6.6- Hands on- Tens and Ones to 50
  • Question? How can you group cubes to show a number as tens and ones?
  • Objective: Group objects to show numbers to 50 as tens and ones.
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 6.7-Hands on- Tens and Ones to 100
  • Question? How can you show numbers to 100 as tens and ones?
  • Objective: Group objects to show numbers to 100 as tens and ones.
  • Vocabulary words:
    • hundred
  • Homework Video:
Lesson 6.8- Problem Solving- Show Numbers in Different Ways
  • Question? How can making a model help you show a number in different ways?
  • Objective: Solve problems using the strategy make a model.
  • Homework Video: 
Lesson 6.9- Hands on- Model, Read, and Write Numbers from 100 to 110
  • Question? How can you model, read, and write numbers from 100 to 110?
  • Objective: Read and write numerals to represent a number of 100 to 110 objects.
  • Homework Video: 
Lesson 6.10- Hands on- Model, Read, and Write Numbers from 110 to 120
  • Question? How can you model, read, and write numbers from 110 to 120?
  • Objective: Read and write numerals to represent a number of 110 to 120 objects.
  • Homework Video:

 Chapter 6 Review
  • Homework Video: